• Hackers Exploit Misconfigured Jupyter Notebooks with Repurposed Minecraft DDoS Tool

    Hackers Exploit Misconfigured Jupyter Notebooks with Repurposed Minecraft DDoS Tool

    Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a new distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack campaign targeting misconfigured Jupyter Notebooks. The activity, codenamed Panamorfi by cloud security firm Aqua, utilizes a Java-based tool called mineping to launch a TCP flood DDoS attack. Mineping is a DDoS package designed for Minecraft game servers. Attack chains entail the exploitation

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  • APT41 Hackers Use ShadowPad, Cobalt Strike in Taiwanese Institute Cyber Attack

    APT41 Hackers Use ShadowPad, Cobalt Strike in Taiwanese Institute Cyber Attack

    A Taiwanese government-affiliated research institute that specializes in computing and associated technologies was breached by nation-state threat actors with ties to China, according to new findings from Cisco Talos. The unnamed organization was targeted as early as mid-July 2023 to deliver a variety of backdoors and post-compromise tools like ShadowPad and Cobalt Strike. It has…

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  • APT28 Targets Diplomats with HeadLace Malware via Car Sale Phishing Lure

    APT28 Targets Diplomats with HeadLace Malware via Car Sale Phishing Lure

    A Russia-linked threat actor has been linked to a new campaign that employed a car for sale as a phishing lure to deliver a modular Windows backdoor called HeadLace. “The campaign likely targeted diplomats and began as early as March 2024,” Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said in a report published today, attributing it with…

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  • Webinar: Discover the All-in-One Cybersecurity Solution for SMBs

    Webinar: Discover the All-in-One Cybersecurity Solution for SMBs

    In today’s digital battlefield, small and medium businesses (SMBs) face the same cyber threats as large corporations, but with fewer resources. Managed service providers (MSPs) are struggling to keep up with the demand for protection. If your current cybersecurity strategy feels like a house of cards – a complex, costly mess of different vendors and…

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  • Mirai Botnet targeting OFBiz Servers Vulnerable to Directory Traversal

    Mirai Botnet targeting OFBiz Servers Vulnerable to Directory Traversal

    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software is at the heart of many enterprising supporting human resources, accounting, shipping, and manufacturing. These systems can become very complex and difficult to maintain. They are often highly customized, which can make patching difficult. However, critical vulnerabilities keep affecting these systems and put critical business data at risk.  The

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  • New Windows Backdoor BITSLOTH Exploits BITS for Stealthy Communication

    New Windows Backdoor BITSLOTH Exploits BITS for Stealthy Communication

    Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a previously undocumented Windows backdoor that leverages a built-in feature called Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) as a command-and-control (C2) mechanism. The newly identified malware strain has been codenamed BITSLOTH by Elastic Security Labs, which made the discovery on June 25, 2024, in connection with a cyber attack targeting an

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  • Over 1 Million Domains at Risk of ‘Sitting Ducks’ Domain Hijacking Technique

    Over 1 Million Domains at Risk of ‘Sitting Ducks’ Domain Hijacking Technique

    Over a million domains are susceptible to takeover by malicious actors by means of what has been called a Sitting Ducks attack. The powerful attack vector, which exploits weaknesses in the domain name system (DNS), is being exploited by over a dozen Russian-nexus cybercriminal actors to stealthily hijack domains, a joint analysis published by Infoblox…

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  • Hackers Distributing Malicious Python Packages via Popular Developer Q&A Platform

    Hackers Distributing Malicious Python Packages via Popular Developer Q&A Platform

    In yet another sign that threat actors are always looking out for new ways to trick users into downloading malware, it has come to light that the question-and-answer (Q&A) platform known as Stack Exchange has been abused to direct unsuspecting developers to bogus Python packages capable of draining their cryptocurrency wallets. “Upon installation, this code…

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  • New Android Banking Trojan BingoMod Steals Money, Wipes Devices

    New Android Banking Trojan BingoMod Steals Money, Wipes Devices

    Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new Android remote access trojan (RAT) called BingoMod that not only performs fraudulent money transfers from the compromised devices but also wipes them in an attempt to erase traces of the malware. Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy, which discovered the RAT towards the end of May 2024, said the malware is…

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  • Obfuscation: There Are Two Sides To Everything

    Obfuscation: There Are Two Sides To Everything

    How to detect and prevent attackers from using these various techniques Obfuscation is an important technique for protecting software that also carries risks, especially when used by malware authors. In this article, we examine obfuscation, its effects, and responses to it. What Is Obfuscation? Obfuscation is the technique of intentionally making information difficult to read,…

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